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4 Cheap Ways to Make Your Bathroom a Spa Getaway

4 Cheap Ways to Make Your Bathroom a Spa Getaway
4 Cheap Ways to Make Your Bathroom a Spa Getaway

Do you ever wish you could escape to the spa every day? Same here, but that isn't exactly a realistic goal. However, what is realistic is modifying your bathroom into your very own slice of spa heaven.

Don't worry—we aren't talking about heavy-duty renovations here. If we had that kind of money, we'd go to an actual spa every day! No, instead, we bring you our top four tips that are affordable.

These tips are all super cheap and easy to introduce without having to break your bank or a sweat. In fact, you will be more relaxed than ever just by applying even one of these ideas! Without further ado, let's dive into our suggestions so you can take one step closer to total relaxation.

1. Bring on the Bath Tray

Relaxation and functionality collided with the invention of the bath tray.

Long gone are the days of precariously balancing items on the side of your tub, only for them to fall to their soggy doom. No, instead, you can bring as much as you want into the bath and place it on your tasteful tray!

Book? Check. Phone? Check. Glass of wine? Check.

Honestly, what more could you need?

2. Artwork Makes the Dream Work

You might initially think it pretentious to hang artwork around your bathroom, but remember, this space is no longer your bathroom. Now it is your very own at-home spa. You need to stick to your vision to make it come to life!

And nothing makes a room more vibrant than some tasteful pieces here and there. Get creative, express yourself, and be inspired.

The glamour of spas doesn't come from nowhere—the right interior design choices are essential!

3. Stock Your Shelves

What do all spas have in common? Shelves stocked full of luxurious products. That means stocked shelves, ceiling to floor. They also have plenty of products in their treatment rooms too.

Part of the glamour of spas is that they have shelves stocked full of luxury goods, and you can do the same! Throw up some shelves and put your self-care items on display!

Aromatherapy candles, fluffy towels, facial treatments, flowers—convince guests you're a beauty goddess with your impressive array of beauty ‘necessities’.

Who cares if you only use three of them? No one said beauty had to be practical.

4. Plants Are the Future

Nothing breathes a sense of wellness and peace into a space quite like plants. Real or fake, they can brighten a room and require minimal effort.

Whether it's flowers or ferns taking your fancy, you'll notice the difference almost immediately. Let your new spa be the jungle paradise it was born to be, or go for something a little more restrained.

Whatever you choose, be prepared to fall in love with this space all over again.

A Spa Day Doesn't Have to be Expensive!

So there you have it. You can now enjoy peak relaxation right at home with just some simple adjustments. Granted, you can't go for any special treatments, but who cares about that? Sometimes unwinding in your own time, in your own space, is the best remedy for stress possible.

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