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🌲 5 Must-Have Houseplants for Winter 🌲

🌲 5 Must-Have Houseplants for Winter 🌲
🌲 5 Must-Have Houseplants for Winter 🌲

Winter is coming, and that means it's time to expand your cold-weather possibilities!

Sure, poinsettias are beautiful, and a Christmas tree is festive and fragrant. But winter is not over when the decorations come down, and you need something to cheer you up on those dreary days.

Here are the five most popular winter houseplants that will brighten up your home even on the shortest day of the year:

Plant GIF

1) Snake Plant 🌱

The snake plant does not require much water and thrives on little sunlight. Do not overwater this plant!

If you head out on a winter vacation, you don't even need to worry about having a friend water it while you're gone.

This tall succulent looks great in a big pot near a window, where it can climb next to the light.

2) Aloe Vera

You might be familiar with this succulent desert plant that loves a hot climate—but remember, deserts get bone-chillingly cold at night.

Just keep your aloe hanging by the light and water it once a week, max.

This healing plant can also be a salve for scratches, sunburns, and irritation. Just cut it open and feel the natural antibacterial properties working.


3) Moth Orchid 🌷

If you want to add a little pop of color to your winter, choose this delicate flower.

The Moth Orchid has snow-white petals with a purple and yellow center. It is low maintenance and won't give out in a dry climate.

Orchids are some of the most expensive and prized flowers in the world. That probably warrants a few sunset selfies with this stunning flower!

4) Cactus Cluster 🌵🌵🌵

You knew this was coming! The classic cluster of crazy cacti! Find the wildest and spikiest cacti you can and place them together like a little family in the window!

Prickly Pears, Bunny Ears, Moon Cactus, Star Cactus — you can't go wrong! These fun plants can survive almost anything, give them a splash of water once a month, and they'll give you plenty of personality in return!

5) Rubber Tree

The Rubber Tree or, ficus elastica, can grow up to 8 feet tall in a medium-sized pot! But if your ceilings can't handle that, just put it in a smaller pot to stop overgrowth.

You'll only need to water this tree once a month in winter. But when summer rolls in, switch to weekly waterings and spritz the leaves to retain moisture.

The huge green leaves will create a mini jungle right inside your home!

Valentines Day Love GIF by CsaK

🌱🌱🌱 Bloom Year Round 🌿🌿🌿

There's no excuse not to have blooms, blossoms, and growth in your home all year round.

When you can't be at home tending to your precious plant babies, take the spirit with you with the Hanging Around phone case from Casely. It puts a garden in your pocket! Get this beautiful case and embrace your green thumb everywhere you go!

When the world is frozen, make life bloom!

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